“This is a great idea, and tells people about allergies really well, especially children. All schools and libraries should have a copy, and I hope this happens! I love the illustrations and I think others will benefit from this. It is very eye-catching and well written.”

Year 1 Teacher.

“Love the book and such a better way to explain and for children to understand allergies. Also to have a visual aid to look at too. It should be in every Early Years setting. Love it!”

– Preschool Manager.

“It’s amazing. A great concept, well written and delivered.”

– Preschool Practitioner.

“What a fabulous book! It is very well written and great for children to read. And adults!”

Primary School Teacher.

“I can see what my brother is allergic to and how he might feel when he has an allergic reaction”

– 8 year old brother of a child with allergies.

“That’s me! Look, there are other children who have allergies like me.”

– 5 year old with allergies.